Friday, September 27, 2013

The Daddy Doll.

Little Bear's 3rd birthday was quite possibly one of the most humbling experiences we've been through, and thats saying a lot. The amount of gifts he had sent and given to him just left me speechless. Plus the fact that Buddy wasn't even that interested in opening them, he was content to open just one or two per day and then play with what he opened and wouldn't want to open anymore. It took us a week and a very messy living room to even get through them all. I think he has two or more still on the way too. What 3 year old has a heart of such contentment that he refuses to open anymore presents? And what community are we blessed with who pour out love on him to ensure his day is special? Thank you to all of you, he had a wonderful birthday. One to be remembered! More on that soon, for now I want to focus on one of the sweetest presents Daddy and I have been conspiring since well before he left.

The Daddy Doll.

It arrived a few days later, so when Buddy got home from school we sat down just the two of us to open it. I told him Daddy sent it all the way from the boat, Buddy was pretty excited. When he opened it, it was the back of the doll with Daddy's summer cammie print, but Buddy yelled "My Daddy's Work Clothes!"- he knew. When he turned it over his face was almost indescribable. It was the look someone gives to things that are just the most precious to them in the entire world. I guess I could equate it to when a Mother is holding her baby in those early moments. He cradled it in his arms and just kept saying "My Daddy" softly to himself. He hugged it and then would look at it, and do it over and over again.

I wish I had a video, but we were so lost in the moment...

"My Daddy...My Daddy..."

Then he put it on the floor and laid on it like a pillow all happy and silly. I told him to put it in his room and when I went up there later, he'd thrown his normal pillow on the floor and had Daddy laying there like a little pillow.

Now we hug and kiss it every day and night along with changing the countdown and moving Daddy's face on the board. He talks to him, "I love you more Daddy!" and sometimes Daddy even swings around and down the stairs with him "weeeee! Daddy go down the stairs with me!". Today I asked if he'd like to take it to school for sharing time, I am excited to hear how it went from his teacher on Monday. Our shy Little Bear, I wonder if he went through with it.

Daddy in his cubby at school. Oh my heart.

Secretly this Bellé-Mere hugs and kisses that Daddy Doll too. I have a Cammie wearing bear to snuggle with at night that Daddy gave me last time he was gone too. I will say, "I am missing Daddy today", and Little Bear will respond "I miss my Daddy too! We are both missing Daddy!" He is such a happy little Buddy to be going through more then most kids will ever, I am inspired and encouraged by his joy and peace through everything. What a lucky life I get to lead with these fine men in my life.



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