Monday, June 3, 2013

First Day.

Today was someones first day of daycare. He was pretty excited to meet his new friends and teachers, and although a little nervous before I left him...for the most part he was alright. You know who kind of lost it? ME?! This big and tough former Pre-K teacher had to have an extra hug and kiss before leaving...and almost teared up! I wasn't worried about him...and am even semi-excited to be back at work with adults...but he's my little buddy now. And he's just so small to be left there! When I got back this evening he ran to me and was so excited to see me, but also happy to go back again tomorrow. The main teacher is a kind older woman whose been doing this a long time, she sent me a picture today at work and I just squealed in my cube. She said he was doing amazingly well, joining in with everything and having a ball. We were all so proud. I quote, "You said he was a special little boy, and man were you right!". Come on, dying right now.

He's gone through so many changes these last weeks...I can't imagine how tough this all must be for a toddler who needs routine more then anything. I've learned my lesson in slowing down with him to allow time to get acquainted with everything, so after work for the next few weeks I am just picking him up and coming home. He was exhausted and a little crabby this evening after all the fun, so we just watched a cartoon and ate dinner before bath and bed. He's just like Daddy and never wants to go to sleep...second night now he's cried for Daddy and then snuck out of bed to turn on the light and read a book. As soon as I turn out the light again he cries for about a minute before passing out- come on buddy I know you are exhausted.

With every kiss, cuddle, and "eh-ter look!" I feel myself falling more and more in love and back into "Mommy-Mode"which has been quietly waiting in the wings while I worked for corporate America.

<3 Belle-Mére

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