Friday, June 28, 2013


We've got him addicted to the beach now! 

There have been several funny "mom moments" this last month. My life has changed so dramatically I can only laugh about it! Here are some of my favorite snippets...
  • Mornings, Driving to work, feelin so fresh with my music pumpin in my beautiful Cherry BMW (try to ignore the crackers and toys littering the backseat and focus on how succulent Cherry and I are). Unnnntil I get to work and the car door hits my head on the way out and I have a sippy cup in hand to clean in the work kitchen sink. So HOT right?
  • Afternoons, Rollin in my sweet succulent Cherry down...feelin so hot again. Unnnntil I get to daycare and the windows go up, the A/C on, and the music goes back to the Pandora "Indie Children's Music" station. Like Cinderella when the clock strikes midnight!
  • Mommies always have wet wipes, a toy, and a snack in their bags AT ALL TIMES. Doesn't matter if its your work bag or weekend purse, it must be AT ALL TIMES.
  • I don't know how to explain how excited we are to go to bed every night. Granted we wake up at 4 and 5 in the morning to exercise before work, but still. We are old. My love summed it up best the other day, "Everyday I am not sure what I am more excited to out? See you and little buddy? Or go to bed?"
  • I am lucky if I make it out the door without milk, pee, juice, snot, or some other liquid on my work dress. Whats more hilarious, is I don't really even care? As long as I can wipe it off and it doesn't
This Belle-Me¢re's evenings BEFORE her little bear joined.
...Run an errand after work, maybe get my nails done or run by the store for booze or dinner. Come home and make dinner, watch a favorite show on Netflix. Read and go to bed around 10. Sometimes grab happy hour or dinner with friends. Oh single life.

This Belle-Me¢re's evenings AFTER her little bear joined.
Scramble to get all my work done by 3:30 so I can leave for daycare! Enjoy my hour train commute home since its my only alone time! Rush over to daycare! Snuggle with my little bear, don't forget a snack and juice otherwise you will have a crab on your hands. Rush home and make dinner for little bear! Bath time! Bed time story and kisses! Quickly eat some dinner with my love. Pass out at 8:30p. 

While before my mornings and evenings were less crazy, at least now I get to crack up laughing at a little bear who comes out of his room after waking up wearing cowboy boots shoved on over his pajamas. And says to my dog Bella on our way out, "Bye Fella! See ya later!". What better way to start the day? And at least my evenings are ended with a "Daddy, I want hug you" and gives his Daddy a big wrap around hug and shouts "I LOVE YOU!"- What better way to end the day?

It's hard for me to explain how different my life is now...the amazing parts and the tough parts. But as much as my life has changed, and although we are still adjusting everyday, the sweet moments and complete joy always outweigh any frustration or exhaustion. Watching a precious little bear grow and change into this beautiful little person is such a privilege. So what I get a little pee on me sometimes?



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